
Our Favorite Concrete5 Add-ons

Mar 25, 2011

At Pixo we have used a ton of different Concrete5 add-ons for our client's websites and this list is some of our favorites. If you need help with add-on installation or if you just want to talk about any of the add-ons we have tried drop us a note.

The following is our list of favorite add-ons:

  • Concrete5 ecommerce - sometimes called CoreCommerce
  • Blog by ScottC - this add-on powers this blog
  • Any SocialOp5 add-on - social media add-ons
  • Extended Form - online form creation tool
  • Page Ear - like what you see on the homepage of
  • Autonav Exclude Sub Pages - removes pages from the autonav
  • Ecommerce Importer - import products, pages and user profiles into Concrete5
  • Simple Cast - podcast tool that is really easy to use
  • Parent Link - we like to use this as a back link from ecommerce product detail pages
  • jqZoom Image - cool image zoom tool

There are a number of other great add-ons out there but these are the ones that make the top of our list. Which C5 add-ons are your favorites? Please leave a comment below.


Category: Awesome